GCSE Maths Edexcel Exam
With GCSE exams starting in only a few months, tension is mounting. Social media seems to be flooded with requests for last-minute tutors and support. In this blog we’d like to expand a bit on the GCSE Maths Edexcel topics you would need to master to get the best results you can.
We even include a very handy checklist for the topics you need to master for the GCSE Maths Edexcel exam.
GCSE Maths Edexcel exam
The Maths exam consists of 3 equally weighted papers. These are done either at Foundation or Higher level. Each exam will last 1hour 30 minutes.
For 2020 the dates will be:
19 May 2020 (morning): Paper 1 (Non-calculator)
4 June 2020 (morning): Paper 2 (Calculator)
8 June 2020 (morning): Paper 3 (Calculator)
For more on what the pass marks are, make sure to visit See the Pearson Edexcel Website for the new GCSE Pearson Edexcel board grade boundaries.
For Mathematics it is as follow:
Grade 4 score = 20.8% / Grade 7 score = 57.9%.
Also, make sure to read this great blog on What are the new GCSE pass marks? All other exam boards.
]Below is the timetable for all GCSE exam boards:
GCSE Maths Edexcel Topics
The syllabus is divided into six sections that test :
3. Ratio, proportion and rates of change
We have found most students struggle most with:
- Ratios
- Histograms
- Congruent Triangles
1. Ratios for GCSE Maths Edexcel
The ratio refers to a means of comparing values. In maths, this would show For example, if there are eight orange sweets and six yellow sweets in a bowl, then the ratio of orange sweets to yellow is eight to six. Written as 8:6. Therefore referring to how many of the one is found with the other.
This is, of course, a very simple explanation, but the rules in working with ratios are constant. What you do on the one side you always do on the other, whether you are simplifying, sharing or finding unknown ratios.
Some tips that always help in working with ratios are :
- Find the highest common factor
- Visualise through a diagram
2. Histogram
A histogram shows data in a graphical display as bars. The main difference between a bar graph and a histogram is that it shows only one variable while a bar graph shows two. The area of the bar, therefore, shows the frequency of the data.
Our friend, Stuart Sidders from Exam Solutions has a great video on histograms below.
3. Congruent Triangles
Shapes are congruent if they are identical in shape and size. For triangles to be congruent, certain criteria need to be met, with at least one of the following being the case:
SSS (side, side, side) – all three sides are equal
SAS (side, angle, side) – sides and the angle between them are equal
ASA (angle, side, angle) – two angles and a corresponding side are equal
HL (hypotenuse, leg) – right angle and a corresponding side is equal
Importance of your GCSE maths exam
Although it may feel as if your whole life depends on this exam, remember, there is always another more important exam coming up next. Stressing is not going to help. In fact, too much stress will have a negative effect on your ability to do your best. So relax and let us help you get the results you deserve. Also, have a look at our recent guest blog on How to prove your teachers wrong in 2020.
To make the exam process as stressfree as possible make sure to sign up to our mailing list and make use of the very handy checklist of topics we have compiled for you.
There is one for GCSE Foundation Maths and a separate one for GCSE Higher Maths.
For our affordable and supportive GCSE group online classes, make sure to CONTACT US TODAY.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]