Can A-Level Resits be the Answer?

So you didn’t do as well as you wanted in your A-Levels and you are not sure how to proceed. One option is to take the loss and settle with what you got, ending up with the course and University you were given. Another option is to ask for a re-mark. However, this option carries a risk. Your grades may go up, but they may also go down.

Any other options?

At this stage, you’ve probably heard about A-Level resits, but you might have some questions. How do these work? When can you take them? How much do they cost?

In this blog post we’ll look at the following:

Whatever the reason for this setback, make sure you know your options.

Why resit your A-levels?

There are of course various reasons why you would like to / need to do an A-Level resit.

With the recent change from a modular to a linear system, the process for A-level resits has changed dramatically. With the previous modular system, you could merely resit one of the modules you needed a better grade in. However, this is no longer possible with the current linear system. If you fail or want to improve your grade in a specific paper, you’ll have to resit the whole subject in May/June the next year.

Where can I take my A-level resits?

There are various places where you can book an A-Level resit.

A-Level resit at school

Although some schools might not be open to this, it is always worth checking. Simply give them a call or send them an email to check.

Just remember that if you do decide to do it through school, you’ll have to attend classes and abide by school rules…

College or Sixth Form exam resits

If school is not your scene, a college or sixth form might be the best thing for you. Although you’ll still have to attend classes, the class sizes are much smaller and possibly more relaxed than a school. The only drawback might be the price tag associated. With prices ranging between £1 500 to £7 000 per subject for the year, this might also not be the ideal solution.

If you want to go all out down this route, make sure to choose a specialist independent college/sixth form to provide you with the best support

Online A-Level resits

This might be the best way to go if you want to work at your own pace. However, you’ll have to be motivated and disciplined. With online course material and the help of an online tutor, you can take complete control of the process.

Some advantages of doing it online:

Although you can study at your own pace, you’ll still have to secure an approved location to do your resit when the time is right. Currently, resits are only available in summer, with the next dates starting in June 2020.

At Air Maths Tuition we can assist you with daily online classes for A-Level Maths. Our classes are interactive with time for questions and homework set every week. Our focus on A-Level Maths means we are experts in the field.

You can choose between daily group classes or one-to-one tuition.

Our courses are tailored to meet your needs and make sure you achieve the results you need.

We focus on the following exam boards and provide you with a clear outline of the subject matter for each.

A-Level Exam Boards

Contact us today for a free chat to see how we can help.

For centres that accept private Edexcel candidates, this Interactive Map might assist you in making a decision.

For private OCR candidates, you should find an exam centre willing to host all aspects of the assessment, including internal assessments, before enrolling.

The Head of Centre (e.g. headteacher or principal) decides whether or not the centre will accept requests from private candidates, so you should contact centres directly to establish whether they are willing to host you.

You can also contact your local authority for further advice.

For centres that accept private AQA candidates, use this list of schools and colleges that accept private candidates.

How much does it cost to resit my A-Levels

Costs can vary greatly and will be determined by the option you choose. Whether through a school, college, sixth form or online.

If you choose to do it through your school, the fees will be set by the relevant school.

There will generally be two types of fees involved in online courses. These include both course fees and exam fees.

Course fees will include your course material and tuition fees, although you might need further online tutoring. For an online course, you will also have to consider exam fees.

Doing your A-Level resit through a college or sixth form costs can range between £1 500 and £7000 per subject per year. Exam fees will be included in these fees.

Online courses will by far be the most affordable. An online course (with tutor support) can be as low as £340 per subject per year and often has monthly payment options. Do remember about the exam fees for these though.

For A-Level exam centres, exam fees can be as low as £175 per subject but can again be as high as £400 at other centres.

Guidelines for costs as per the individual exam boards:

Don’t be discouraged

Remember, history is rife with examples of people that have succeeded despite initial setbacks. Just to name a few :

Jeremy Clarkson once tweeted:

“If your A-Level results aren’t great, be cheered by the fact that I got a C and two Us.
And I’m currently sitting in a villa in St Tropez.”

With a little more hard work and some support from us, we are confident that you can do this!

For Best A-Level Maths Tuition Contact Us Today!